Some of you might have started the school year, while others are getting ready. As we prepare to embark on the adventure of another school year I wanted to take some time to look at some resources that are created just for you at the start of another school year. It is not always easy to find resources that you want to use in your classroom. That is why I wanted to do that for you. Trust me... I know you will want these!
But first let's just chat about the most important part of starting the school year. Relationships. Establishing relationships with students at the start of the school year is priority. It sets the tone for a supportive learning environment where students feel valued, understood, and motivated to success. I take at least the first full week to focus solely on building solid relationships with my students. I want them to know that I care and I want what is best for them! By building rapport early on, we are able to learn about students' strengths, challenges, and individual needs, giving us the ability to instruct appropriately. So before you do any of these fun activities with your students just ask yourself, "How am I build positive rapport with my students today?"
Top Back to School Activities
Now let's jump in to some of my favorite activities to start the School Year!
Let's start with a free activity for you to use. You can start off your year with a get to know you activity that takes no prep at all. Sometimes this is a favorite activity. For the first week of school, during the first moments of each day, have the whole class sit in a circle. Each day have student share something. You can have them share something they did over the summer, what they are excited for, about their family, what their favorite activity is. Simple but yet meaningful and fun.
Collaborative Coloring Math Bulletin Board. Have students review some math topics from the year before by having them create a bulletin board display together. The way this works is, the teacher puts in math problems for the class. Then a recording sheet (with the math problems on it) is printed for each students. Students solve the math problems which then in turn tells the the coloring code for the collaborative picture. the 30 pieces to the one coloring are then dispersed between the class. Everyone colors and then they discover what the mystery picture is!
Get to Know you Pizza Slices. In this activity each student gets one pizza slice. They ill out all the prompts on the pizza. Some slices you have to write and some you have to draw, so make sure you print out the right one for your class. One everyone has completed their pizza slice you can display them all together with a sign that says, "We are all a Pizza this class" or "We are all a Slice of this class". It is a fun activity, and everyone loves pizza, so your students will love it!
Back to School Interactive PowerPoint. This is such a fun activity to get your students up and moving the first week of school. The way I works is a prompt comes up on the screen "Does your teacher like chocolate or vanilla" it will have arrows pointing to the two apposite sides of the room and if they think you like vanilla they will go to one side. If they think you like chocolate they will go to the other side. The PowerPoint also has an option that lets the students say what they like. So instead of saying "Does your teacher..." it says "Do you like...". This PowerPoint lets students get to know their teacher as well as get to know each other!
Back To School Get To Know You Board. This a a simple little activity that you can print out for your students and it is FREE. On each page there are descriptions of other students on the page. Each student has to find other students whose life applies to a statement on their paper. Once each box is signed they are do
I really hope this helps you start the year off right with your students!
Happy Teaching!